2011 - 2015: A Critical Period for Solar Thermal Energy in Australia
In the period 2011-2015, the major investment and policy directions will be set for development of Australia’ electricity sector to 2020 and beyond. By taking the initiative during this critical period to articulate the strong economic and environmental case for investment in large-scale solar thermal power in Australia, the solar thermal industry can influence the policy and investment choices to be made through this period.
Though there are other industry bodies and advocacy groups whose mandate broadly encompasses solar thermal power, AUSTELA is the only organisation whose sole purpose is to articulate the issues most important to the solar thermal sector at this critical time. A strong focus and clear voice is required, to:
- Improve the quality and currency of information available to policy and investment decision makers about solar thermal energy
- Articulate the case for large scale solar thermal in Australia's 21st century energy mix
- Articulate the potential economic, employment and regional development benefits of investment in Australia’s solar thermal power industry.
If your business is actively involved in solar thermal power development – whether as a supplier, technology provider, project developer, financier or operator, your organisation should join AUSTELA.
Depth in Membership Increases AUSTELA’s Value to Members
All members stand to benefit from success in achieving AUSTELA's objectives, because those objectives are about establishing a significantly firmer foundation in Australia for growth in investment in solar thermal energy. The deeper the membership, the greater AUSTELA’s ability to access and impart the information needed to support the development of Australia’s solar thermal power industry.
How to Join
AUSTELA has two categories of membership:
- Voting membership is open to organisations directly involved in and with significant investments in the development of solar thermal power projects or technologies in Australia or internationally
- Non-voting Associate membership is open to research agencies, government bodies, consultants and professional advisors, analysts and financiers with ongoing interest in the development of solar thermal power technologies or the solar thermal power industry.
Applications for membership can be made in the form provided at this link.
Applications can be lodged:
- Electronically at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- By post.
Applications for membership require the support of a nominating member and a seconding member, and are then considered by the AUSTELA Board. By lodging an application, the applicant agrees to and commits to comply with AUSTELA’s Constitution, including payment of applicable membership subscriptions and entrance fees.
AUSTELA’s Constitution
AUSTELA is incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth), and is a company limited by guarantee. Directors are elected by the members, with one director representing the Associate members.
AUSTELA’s Constitution can be viewed or downloaded here.