Advancing concentrating solar thermal to help decarbonise heat and electricity at lowest cost for Australia.
AUSTELA is the peak industry body advocating for a better policy and investment environment to support the deployment of concentrating solar thermal across Australia, keeping the lights on 24/7 and power bills down while reducing emissions.
Reliable, low-cost, zero emissions dispatchable power night and day
As the world seeks to decarbonise, concentrating solar thermal offers one of the only, proven dispatchable solutions for zero-emissions low cost heat and electricity generation and storage. Concentrating solar thermal systems convert sunlight into long duration thermal energy storage (TES), which can be used directly as heat or to generate electricity anytime of the day or night.

Power made for Australia
Australia is ideally suited to concentrating solar thermal technology thanks to its world beating solar radiation levels. Construction of projects requires familiar techniques with steel glass and concrete offering a significant opportunity to establish a robust domestic manufacturing industry and create thousands of regional jobs.

Our Members Are Active in the Concentrating Solar Thermal Industry
AUSTELA’s members are technology providers, developers, component manufacturers, consulting engineers, and government advisors who are leading the way in concentrating solar thermal development in Australia.