Why is AUSTELA needed?

AUSTELA maintains a consistent focus on building an investment environment supportive of large-scale solar thermal power development in Australia’s energy system, and of the development of an Australian solar thermal industry competing in the global market for renewable energy.

Energy markets, in Australia and internationally, have reached a critical stage of evolution. As at 2011, well over 100 countries had adopted policies aimed at promoting uptake of renewable energy, with over 50 countries and 30 US States adopting mandatory renewable energy targets – many for minimum targets to be achieved between 2020 and 2025.

Amid the congested and often confusing world of energy, carbon and climate policy, fact-based contributions to policy development are critical. AUSTELA works with leading research institutions, companies and government to bring insights and fresh perspective to assist policy-makers and investors to better understand the economic benefits of solar thermal energy generation.

A strong, singular focus and clear voice is required to:

  • Improve the quality and currency of information available to policy and investment decision makers about solar thermal energy
  • Articulate the case for large scale solar thermal energy in Australia's 21st century energy system
  • Articulate the potential economic, employment and regional development benefits from investment in Australia’s solar thermal power industry.

Drawing on international partnerships, member resources and experience, and local Australian research and expertise, AUSTELA acts as an information portal and resource, providing a point of access for information and analysis on solar thermal power generation technologies, their development, use, costs and benefits.

AUSTELA supports programs aimed at enhancing community confidence in the ability of solar thermal power generation to deliver economic value for Australia – as an industry and as an energy source.

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Contact Details

Australian Solar Thermal Energy Association Ltd
ACN: 149 005 210
PO Box 6127
ACT 2602, Australia